
We are fast closing the year 2011. It has been a year of much reflection, change and a year of often sitting back and looking at the road I have travelled. Interesting and a year of great change and filled with many blessings.

In Biblical times the men of the Bible would stop at a significant place and build an altar where something important took place. Maybe the building of a nation, a new land or on the occasion of something monumental in their lives. Have I built any this year?

I suppose I could say I have by taking on a new role in life. Retirement is a wonderful thing we all look forward too. It is one of those final steps into what are known as the golden years. A time when we can at last do all the things we once could only dream about. For me it is a little different “Retirement has meant Refirement.” It has meant taking a whole new direction in life. I spend my days in the office now writing, some would consider retirement should be spending the days on the golf course or fishing. Well, I do get my share of both but my focus now has become one where I can redirect my energy in sharing some life experience. 

I think back over the years and look at the many great mentors who have come and gone in my life and what they fed into me in their time. My dad was such a man his accomplishments were many. His teachings have become invaluable. Dad has joined his heavenly Father in 2006 at the age of 93 after many years of serving. He taught me to serve and too serve in the way of compassion and love. He taught me the love of the outdoors, fishing, hiking, camping. I miss him dearly and often think it would be nice to be able to sit once more and just talk and share with him the what and where in life I find myself and seek his advice.

Take the time this year to record your thoughts, your values and your goals. They are all a part of the road we must travel. Thank those who have invested into you and give back what you have learned. Above all know that you are dearly loved, first by the Father above and then by each life you touch.

Blessings as always…
